Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Getting Ready for a Short-Term Teams Arrival

ZOE is busy getting ready for a short-term team's arrival this Saturday. Along with all the plans and preparation, there's a lot of shopping. Here we are at Makro (the closest thing to Costco in Thailand) buying a lot of goodies for the team and for their outreaches (making 800 gift bags to bless others). If you look closely at the picture, we had over 10 carts filled with candy, coffee, chips, cookies, noodles etc... It was a lot of fun shopping with ZOE missionaries and many Bible Students (we needed men to push our carts!!). We'll be doing this again when the short-term team from Venice/Westlight/Crossroads come in December 2009!! Can't wait!!

1 comment:

bG said...

I LOVE Makro! We usually went to Tesco Lotus but it was a treat to go to Makro and be reminded of Costco. It was a great place to get Thai snacks, and noodles!